We are DIESVA Ltd., a company dedicated for more than 15 years to the Management, Optimization and Development of Industrial Projects, through five business areas, FISHING, MINING, AGRICULTURE, WOOD and INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS.
In the FISHING, MINING, AGRICULTURE and WOOD areas, we generate high-quality raw materials through careful extraction and production processes, with all the necessary support for optimal use in subsequent production processes.
The INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS area was born as a result of the detection of multiple needs in the first four areas, and its objective is to cover and speed up the maintenance and industrial repair of machinery and infrastructure that require it, prior to and during production tasks.
Our operations cover the entire South American cone, with offices in Chile, Argentina and Peru; We serve the requirements of companies of all sizes, mostly SMEs, that need to generate greater efficiency and effectiveness in their production processes.
Add value to the industrial, economic and social development of our country, through innovative, strategic and efficient management, which allows us to generate integrated and viable production processes.
We generate dynamic work processes, based on the triple helix model, which links and involves private (industry), state and universities, in order to generate collaborative development, which allows us to obtain differentiating, assertive and competitive results in our operations.
Help in the construction of a country with greater and better development possibilities, through the generation of new business opportunities, with a focus on innovation (research) and constant entrepreneurship, at a national and international level, thus generating new ways of doing things, providing stability, reliability and security to our customers and line of suppliers.
Achieve the establishment of fluid dialogue spaces between privates (industry), the state and universities, in order to be able to integrate knowledge, regulations and process optimization, in favor of sustainable industrial development throughout our country.